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Think Contraception--- Durex's creative ads

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There are many things that people do not want to talk about, contraception is one of them. many people may think this is not appropriate topic that should talk about in public, however In Ireland, the age of sexual consent for both sexes is 17 years of age, so promotes safe sex is necessary.

Durex, as one of the biggest condom company is  making this discomfort topic to an interest and appropiate ads.  The following durex ad is my favorite one that could be watched by anybody. ( anybody i mean it could watched by the people under18 as well, because some of the ads still focus on the adult that content very sexual informations.)
it isa very simple design that only shows how much is cost of the pack of Durex and the price of a baby cot.  Give the audience a think that unprotected sex could 'make' a baby and it is a very expensive to raise a child.  powerful, strong, simple, and directly  point out the meaning of the product want to presented.


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The day before we use mouth to mouth spread the things we know or the things we want to know, people was gather together exchange their thoughts. After a while when the print came along, people start hid in their own space use the letters to tell story, they can just lock them int he library without talking to each other to konw the whole world.
Yesterday,families sit together after dinner watch the tvs, talk about the day they gone through. or turn on the radio, listen the voice from the world. People seems gather togerther again.
Today, if you on the bus, half of the people wear their earphones separate themselves with others. in the canteen people bury their head into the phones or laptops.

who knows what will happen on tomorrow.