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Failed Logo

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In the tonight desktop publishing class, Ryan showed us some bad example of logo design. There were three logo designs impress us, which were:

Digital direction of print

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While the digital media revolution is openly called "new media," few dare classify print newspapers as "old." Newspapers were the first of the traditional media to embrace the Internet and develop newspaper Web sites. Magazines, radio and TV stations later followed suit, establishing an old media presence on the new media platform. However, if we can get the news free or pay less online, why should we pay more for the print ones? The answer is found on the following research papers.
Paper one:
The Death of Print? The Challenges and opportunities facing the print media on the web[1] by Kimmo Lunden , Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford, 2009.
The author shows that ‘things will never be the way they were, so get over it. Move on, discover and embrace new ways of operating and new opportunities to prosper and grow.’[1].  The print products is moving and developing, when fulfilling its customers’ needs, it has to listen to them, tempt them and give them a chance to be active commentators and even provider of the contend both in print and online. However newspapers are created to alter with the time and society that they reflect and mirror, some of them will go online only, which has already happened.
Paper two:
The Future of Print Media is in the Net [2]by a journalist and lecture named Thomas Mrazek published on 3rd of September 2007 on eurotopics.net
He shows that ‘ in the media world: online is overtaking print’[2] online first is getting more and more popular, all news is to be published on the web first. Such as the Sky news courage audience to post their mobile phone recode emergence issue online.
My opinion is the rapid decrease of print media will heavily impact our society, ‘When radio broadcasts first began in the 1920s, people soon began to warn of the death of print. Radio could bring the news to listeners far more quickly than could the local newspaper, although usually that news was simply the reading of yesterday's newspaper. Television was next, and again the talk was of it replacing print. [3] In fact, these two electronic media spawned a large number of print cousins covering the TV and radio industries. The Internet has had the same effect, with dozens of print publications created to cover the industry. As it has for the past century, print will survive this latest technology challenge-the Internet.
Also, Magazine and newspaper buyers have been trained to expect lower prices for digital editions. ‘The New Yorker costs $35.88 per year on the Kindle, compared with $39.95 for a print subscription and $234.53 on newsstands. The $0.75 price tag on the Kindle version of the Sunday New York Times, whose newsstand version costs $5 or more, gives me a larcenous thrill every weekend.’[4].
[1]The Death of Print? The Challenges and opportunities facing the print media on the web by Kimmo Lunden , Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford, 2009.   Available at: www.hssaatio.fi/
[2] The Future of Print Media is in the Net  Thomas Mrazek published on 3rd of September 2007 on eurotopics.net. available at : www.eurotopics.net
[3]Online VS. Offline Media, Web/Online newspaper VS print News: who will win?  By Amarendra Bhushan for CEOWORLD Magazine , 6th February 2009 . available at: www.ceoworld.biz

[4] Going out of Print, by Wade Roush  published on Technology Review MAY/JUNE 2010, available at: www.technologyreview.com

Web Browser

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 I had been using IE when I was in the China, because of it was fully supported by most of Chinese websites, also All of Chinese Online banking and online shopping websites were even not let you login without activeX installed which only support IE. I actually didn’t have a choice.

I started using Firefox 4years ago; because at that time most of websites were built up by standard of HTML which Firefox fully supported, and Firefox is Opensource software, therefore lots of  extensions have been developed by individual.

The extensions I used and recommended.  
 "Adblock plus" the best extension which i have used. it can keep most of advertings away.

"FxIF", you can check the Picture's EXIF without download its.

"IE Tab Plus", It enables you to use the embedded IE engine within tabs of Firefox

"QuickDrag", with this extension, you don't have to copy weblink to address bar or copy keywords to google website, just drag and drop your mouse.

"Mouse Gestures Redox", it just amazing, if you know all of gestures. Life cannot be easier with this extension.

Anyway, I don't see any obviously defects in the Firefox, it’s perfectly for me. I will keep using the Firefox.

Delete? or Remember forever

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Last week’s lecture we just had a small research about “should people set a time clock for the memory of internet?” The result shows 18people said ‘yes, we should do something otherwise the developing of internet would out of control. .’ But still 12people said no because the internet at today’s stage still control by the people, and it’s not necessary to put a deadline to remind people to delete the information that they put online.

In the <<>>, the author’s view is, now we are living in the e-society, internet plays very important role of people’s life. It brings a huge convenience to people’s daily life, but also has some negatives. The main problem is the privacy in the e-society, the employer may check your Facebook, Google has been watching your search history. Yahoo also reading your emails, even if you are on a date, they might be to check your past. So ‘have we forgotten how to forget?’ he argues that the ‘technology has inverted our millennia old relationship with memory’, we need to stop creating tools that automatically remember everything, instead, we need to design them to forget.

It sounds like a perfect way to stop people to chasing each other’s past, but actually he ignored the power of Google, if a new message been published online, Google might be grab that information using less than 10 minutes. If you set an expiration date on a file that you upload, Google still can ‘google it ‘before you delete them from internet.

So , I am not agreed with the author’s opinion. My view is internet is like a weapon, it depends on how people to use it, not the internet itself. It also have some ways that to protect people’s privacies, such as do not publish confidential messages or upload inappropriate images, use the fake profile to sign a website, and log out when you using google to do the search, etc.

Think Contraception--- Durex's creative ads

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There are many things that people do not want to talk about, contraception is one of them. many people may think this is not appropriate topic that should talk about in public, however In Ireland, the age of sexual consent for both sexes is 17 years of age, so promotes safe sex is necessary.

Durex, as one of the biggest condom company is  making this discomfort topic to an interest and appropiate ads.  The following durex ad is my favorite one that could be watched by anybody. ( anybody i mean it could watched by the people under18 as well, because some of the ads still focus on the adult that content very sexual informations.)
it isa very simple design that only shows how much is cost of the pack of Durex and the price of a baby cot.  Give the audience a think that unprotected sex could 'make' a baby and it is a very expensive to raise a child.  powerful, strong, simple, and directly  point out the meaning of the product want to presented.


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The day before we use mouth to mouth spread the things we know or the things we want to know, people was gather together exchange their thoughts. After a while when the print came along, people start hid in their own space use the letters to tell story, they can just lock them int he library without talking to each other to konw the whole world.
Yesterday,families sit together after dinner watch the tvs, talk about the day they gone through. or turn on the radio, listen the voice from the world. People seems gather togerther again.
Today, if you on the bus, half of the people wear their earphones separate themselves with others. in the canteen people bury their head into the phones or laptops.

who knows what will happen on tomorrow.