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Delete? or Remember forever

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Last week’s lecture we just had a small research about “should people set a time clock for the memory of internet?” The result shows 18people said ‘yes, we should do something otherwise the developing of internet would out of control. .’ But still 12people said no because the internet at today’s stage still control by the people, and it’s not necessary to put a deadline to remind people to delete the information that they put online.

In the <<>>, the author’s view is, now we are living in the e-society, internet plays very important role of people’s life. It brings a huge convenience to people’s daily life, but also has some negatives. The main problem is the privacy in the e-society, the employer may check your Facebook, Google has been watching your search history. Yahoo also reading your emails, even if you are on a date, they might be to check your past. So ‘have we forgotten how to forget?’ he argues that the ‘technology has inverted our millennia old relationship with memory’, we need to stop creating tools that automatically remember everything, instead, we need to design them to forget.

It sounds like a perfect way to stop people to chasing each other’s past, but actually he ignored the power of Google, if a new message been published online, Google might be grab that information using less than 10 minutes. If you set an expiration date on a file that you upload, Google still can ‘google it ‘before you delete them from internet.

So , I am not agreed with the author’s opinion. My view is internet is like a weapon, it depends on how people to use it, not the internet itself. It also have some ways that to protect people’s privacies, such as do not publish confidential messages or upload inappropriate images, use the fake profile to sign a website, and log out when you using google to do the search, etc.


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